GRIG (SPS) - Interdisciplinary Research Team for Language Teaching at the Department of Political and Social Science
Scientific Coordinator: Hugo E. Lombardini
Other members: Monica Abd El Messih, Martina Adúriz Valdettaro, Verónica Di Pasquale
Areas of action:
The Interdisciplinary Research Team for Language Teaching at the Department of Political and Social Science (Gruppo di Ricerca Interdisciplinare sulla Glottodidattica - GRIG) is first and foremost responsible for the study and refinement of language teaching methodology. It is also involved in more general matters regarding communication within academic and professional contexts, particularly in the fields of politics, law, economics and social sciences.
The activities are currently focused on the language pair Spanish-Italian, but our goal is to include other language pairs that may be of interest for the academic community, such as English-Italian, Spanish-English and French-Italian.
- Renew – through study and research – the methods employed in foreign language teaching for university students in light of the 2018 update of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and its innovations concerning mediation skills, phonological skills, plurilingual and pluricultural competences.
- Investigate, update and disseminate knowledge resulting from scientific research and the observation of university language teaching.
- Write and publish both language teaching materials for university students (especially intended for political and social sciences students) and scientific articles disseminating the research carried out by the team in the areas of linguistics and communication.
Organization of the activities:
As far as the activity of the team is concerned, the GRIG (SPS) intends to hold regular internal meetings with a twofold objective: (i) for each member to update the others on the progress of their studies and research projects; and (ii) for the team as a whole to coordinate activities and make the necessary choices for the development and progress of the joint projects.
The idea behind this type of organization and methodological approach is that the variety of skills and academic and professional backgrounds of each member of GRIG (SPS), as well as the interdisciplinary nature of the research undertaken, will add value to the educational and scientific contributions made by the team. Indeed, although each member is responsible for their own research, its outcome will benefit from the cooperation and contribution of the whole team.