
The Third Mission’s activities include achieving greater economic results from research, managing the relationships between the university and companies and creating local, national and international networks to promote the circulation of cultural and scientific knowledge.

Over the years, the Department of Political and Social Science, while focusing on maintaining relationships with public institutions and bodies, has developed a strong network of partnerships with private companies as well. These partnerships mainly consist of research projects promoted or financed by private companies, with the participation of one or more of the department's professors: in such cases, researchers are called upon to develop research and analysis protocols in collaboration with the external party.

The university further interacts with businesses during periodical meetings with stakeholders, i.e., the professional representatives from the categories most interested in the education offered by the individual degree programmes. These are fruitful opportunities to discuss and foster collaborations in which social stakeholders contribute to establishing the knowledge and skills required of graduates to successfully embark on their careers and step into the world of work.

The department's degree programmes also promote curricular and extracurricular traineeships in collaboration with public and private partners; these traineeships are meant for regular students and students who are about to graduate, and they are designed to facilitate their transition to employment. Within this third area of interaction with private companies, it is worth mentioning the Percorso integrato Università e Impresa (University-Companies Integrated Programme, Italian version): it is a course with restricted access that students may attend during their third year of the first-cycle degree programme in Political, Social and International Sciences; in addition to in-class teaching, which includes the presentation of the companies involved in the project, the course also includes a 350-hour internship aimed at training students so as to help them make faster decisions regarding their future careers.

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