Take part in the revision of the University Statute
University of Bologna staff can consult the working group's documents and submit thoughts or comments by logging on to the dedicated site.
Alma Mater Fest - The University of Bologna welcomes its student community
We look forward to seeing you in Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini, from 27 September to 2 October, for a 4th special edition with guests, topical talks and many free activities open to all.
Doctoral degree conferment ceremony - 20 June
Are you PhD graduates of cycles XXXI, XXXII and XXXIII? Attend the ceremony and register by 9 June.
ImprovEUorGlobe Course - The External Economic Action of the European Union and the Sustainable Development Goals
Are you interested in sustainability aspects of the EU trade policy or want to learn more about them? Then join these 10 sessions held from 3 to 25 May either online or in person in Bologna.