Europe Post-1945: Integration Between Decolonization and Migration?

European Union

Scientific Coordinator: Giuliana Laschi

Other members at the SPS Department: Marco Balboni, Marco Borraccetti, Sonia Lucarelli

Other members: Francesca Fauri, Giulio Ecchia, Paolo Zurla, Mauro Maggiorani, Alessandro Pes, Cecilia Novelli, Valeria Deplano, Luciano Marrocu.

The project is carried out in cooperation with the University of Cagliari and has been funded by the Erasmus + – Jean Monnet Projects programme.

Starting from a historical overview of the migration process in Europe, the process of decolonization and the first European policies on migration, the aim of this project is to investigate whether these factors influenced today’s migration flows.

The project will feature workshops with professors and experts, conferences involving university students and initiatives for knowledge dissemination aimed at both the general public and high school students.

Europe Post-1945 - Website (Italian)

Department Members

Marco Balboni

Full Professor

Marco Borraccetti

Associate Professor

Giuliana Laschi

Full Professor

Sonia Lucarelli

Full Professor

Other members:

Francesca Fauri

Giulio Ecchia

Paolo Zurla

Mauro Maggiorani

Alessandro Pes

Cecilia Novelli

Valeria Deplano

Luciano Marrocu