Alice Mattoni, Digital media and technologies in grassroots struggles against corruption, in: Digital Media and Grassroots: Anti-Corruption Contexts, Platforms and Data of Anti-Corruption Technologies Worldwide, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2024, pp. 1 - 26 [Chapter or essay]
Alice Mattoni, The challenges of anti-corruption technologies from the grassroots, in: Digital Media and Grassroots Anti-Corruption: Contexts, Platforms and Data of Anti-Corruption Technologies Worldwide, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2024, pp. 232 - 253 [Chapter or essay]
Riccardo Prandini; Giulia Ganugi, Co-governance and co-management as preliminary conditions for social justice in co-creation, in: Co-creation in public services for innovation and social justice, Bristol, Bristol University Press ; Policy Press, 2024, pp. 111 - 126 [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Colombo, Asher D.; Dalla‐Zuanna, Gianpiero, Data and Trends in Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, and Some Related Demographic Issues, «POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW», 2024, 50, pp. 233 - 257 [Scientific article] Open Access
Pamela Ugwudike, Silke Roth, Anita Lavorgna, Stuart E. Middleton, Natalie Djohari, Morena Tartari, Arpan Mandal, Sharenting and social media properties: Exploring vicarious data harms and sociotechnical mitigations, «BIG DATA & SOCIETY», 2024, 11, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
E.Esposito, Can we use the open future? Preparedness and innovation in times of self-generated uncertainty, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL THEORY», 2024, 27, pp. 209 - 224 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cattani, Lorenzo; Rizza, Roberto, Occupational Gender Segregation and Mental Health among Professionals: Women’s Risk Exposure in Five Micro Classes, «SOCIAL SCIENCES», 2024, 13, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article] Open Access
G. Gasperoni, “Weighed, not counted”: territorial (mis)representation in Italian metropolitan council elections, «QUADERNI DELL'OSSERVATORIO ELETTORALE», 2024, 87, pp. 73 - 87 [Scientific article] Open Access
RAGONE SABRINA, La “crisi delle nomine” del Consejo General del Poder Judicial al vaglio della Corte EDU (caso Lorenzo Bragado e altri c. Spagna, 2023), «OSSERVATORIO COSTITUZIONALE», 2024, 1, pp. 357 - 371 [Comment on a court sentence]
Germà Bel ; Mattia Casula, Re-organizing the service-delivery machine in a “post-NPM” era: A shopping-basket approach?, «PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REVIEW», 2024, Online First, pp. 1 - 25 [Scientific article]
Guendalina Anzolin; Chiara Benassi, How do countries shift their export specialization? The role of technological capabilities and industrial policy in Ireland, Spain and Sweden (1995-2018), «SOCIO-ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2024, first online, pp. 1 - 31 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bandini, Federica; Bolzani, Daniela; Bianchini, Stefano (a cura di): Federica Bandini; Daniela Bolzani; Stefano Bianchini, Social Entrepreneurship and Migrants' Inclusion: Insights from the Adriatic-Ionian Region, Clam, Springer, 2024, pp. 314 . [Editorship]
Bandini, Federica; Bolzani, Daniela; Bianchini, Stefano, An Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship and Migrants’ Inclusion in the Adriatic-Ionian Region, in: Federica Bandini; Daniela Bolzani; Stefano Bianchini, Social Entrepreneurship and Migrants' Inclusion: Insights from the Adriatic-Ionian Region, Clam, Springer, 2024, pp. 3 - 6 (SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS SERIES) [Brief introduction]
Manuela Moschella, Unexpected Revolutionaries. How Central Banks Made and Unmade Economic Orthodoxy, Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 2024, pp. 188 (Cornell studies in money). [Research monograph]
Roberto Belloni, Serbia between East and West: ontological security, vicarious identity and the problem of sanctions against Russia, «EUROPEAN SECURITY», 2024, 33, pp. 284 - 302 [Scientific article]
A. GIACONE, Mitterrand a Firenze. I socialisti francesi e italiani (1971-1994), in: I socialisti italiani e francesi (1971-1994), Roma, Aracne, 2024, pp. 11 - 25 [Chapter or essay]
GIACONE, ALESSANDRO (a cura di): A. GIACONE, I SOCIALISTI ITALIANI E FRANCESI (1971-1994)\LES SOCIALISTES FRANCAIS ET ITALIENS (1971-1994), Roma, Aracne, 2024, pp. 381 . [Editorship]
Giovanni Giorgini, Introduzione al pensiero politico classico, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2024, pp. 284 . [Research monograph]
Giovanni Giorgini, The Emergence of Populism in Classical Athens, in: Demokratie und Populismus in der griechischen Antike und heute, Berlino, De Gruyter, 2024, pp. 121 - 150 [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Riccardo Prandini, François Jullien (1951), in: Sociologia comparata delle civiltà, Soveria Mannelli, Edizioni Rubbettino, 2024, pp. 471 - 488 [Chapter or essay]