L.Zanatta, Politica e sviluppo in America Latina, in: Opera: XXI SecoloIII volume, Il mondo e la storia, ROMA, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, in corso di stampa, pp. 341 - 349 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
Giorgini, Giovanni Irrera, Elena, God, Religion and Society in Ancient Thought. From Early Greek Philosophy to Augustine, Baden Baden, Nomos Verlag, in corso di stampa, pp. 290 . [Editorship]
Carrieri, Luca, Nicolò Conti, Matthew Loveless, EU Issue Voting in European Member States: The Return of the Pro-EU Stance and Pro-EU Voter, «WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS», in corso di stampa, forthcoming, pp. N/A - N/A [Scientific article]
Antonella Mascio, Streaming Audiences: Deconstruction of Fashion Gender Stereotypes Through the Imitation of TV Series Outfits, in: The Routledge Companion to Media Audiences, London, Routledge, 2025, pp. 245 - 257 [Chapter or essay]
Zanasi, Francesca; Bordone, Valeria, The effect of grandparental involvement on grandchildren's school grades: Heterogeneity by the extended family characteristics, «SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH», 2025, 125, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]
D. Mantovani; G. Gasperoni; F. Santangelo, Home-school distance among native and immigrant-origin lower secondary students in urban Northern Italy, in: Children of Immigrants in Southern Europe: Overcoming Ethnic Penalties, Abingdon, Routledge, 2025, pp. 65 - 91 [Chapter or essay]
Vergolini, Loris; Zanini, Nadir, The minimum guaranteed income in an Italian province: the effect of capping the benefit, «APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2025, published online, pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article]
Bassi, Andrea; Aquino Alves, Mario; Cordery, Carolyn, The Future of Third Sector Research. From Theory to Definitions, Classifications and Aggregation Towards New Research Paths, New York, Springer, 2025, pp. 269 . [Editorship]
Cordery, Carolyn; Bassi, Andrea; Mario Aquino Alves, And, Third Sector Research: The Construction of a Field of Study, in: The Future of Third Sector Research From Theory to Definitions, Classifications and Aggregation Towards New Research Paths, New York, Springer, 2025, pp. 1 - 8 [Chapter or essay]
Bassi, Andrea, Third Sector: The Building of a Research Field, in: The Future of Third Sector Research From Theory to Definitions, Classifications and Aggregation Towards New Research Paths, New York, Springer, 2025, pp. 35 - 46 [Chapter or essay]
Bassi, Andrea, The Terminological Debate, in: The Future of Third Sector Research From Theory to Definitions, Classifications and Aggregation Towards New Research Paths, New York, Springer, 2025, pp. 49 - 66 [Chapter or essay]
Aquino Alves, Mario; Bassi, Andrea; Cordery, Carolyn, Future Challenges Facing Third Sector Research, in: The Future of Third Sector Research From Theory to Definitions, Classifications and Aggregation Towards New Research Paths, New York, Springer, 2025, pp. 255 - 266 [Chapter or essay]
Bozzetti, Alessandro; DE LUIGI, Nicola; Pitti, Ilaria, Youth and Urban Citizenship: The ‘Youth Gang’ Phenomenon Between Confict and Democratic Innovation, in: The Historical City. A Critical Reference and Role Model, Cham, Springer, 2025, pp. 103 - 110 (THE CITY PROJECT) [Chapter or essay]
Francesca Ragno, Il consenso e la validità sostanziale degli accordi di scelta del foro nel regime di Bruxelles e nella convenzione dell’Aja, in: Tecnica di redazione dei contratti, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2024, pp. 145 - 157 [Chapter or essay]
Daniela Giannetti; Karen Umansky; Itai Sened, The Entry of the M5S and the Reshaping of Party Politics in Italy (2008-2018), «GOVERNMENT AND OPPOSITION», 2024, 59, pp. 464 - 481 [Scientific article] Open Access
Loris Vergolini ; Eleonora Vlach, Social Origins and University Drop-Out During the Great Recession: The Role of the Field of Study, «RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION», 2024, 65, pp. 124 - 152 [Scientific article] Open Access
Borgnino, Giorgia; Palma, Nicola, Do parties adjust their policy proposals to the political context? A study of election promises during the 2022 Italian general election, «QOE-IJES», 2024, 87, pp. 1 - 43 [Scientific article] Open Access
Odilla, Fernanda, From concerned citizens to civic bots: The bottom-up fight against corruption in Brazil from a longitudinal perspective, in: Digital Media and Grassroots Anti-Corruption: Contexts, Platforms and Data of Anti-Corruption Technologies Worldwide, Northampton, Edward Elgar, 2024, pp. 24 - 51 [Chapter or essay]
Odilla, Fernanda; Tsimonis, Konstantinos, Corruption and Anti-Corruption Upside Down: New Perspectives from the Global South, Londra, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp. 300 . [Editorship]
Paolo Terenzi, L'antiperfettismo politico tra realismo e liberalismo, in: Cultura, politica e libertà. Saggi in onore di Sergio Belardinelli, Soveria Mannelli (CZ), Rubbettino, 2024, pp. 177 - 188 (UNIVERSITÀ) [Chapter or essay]