Roberto Ruffilli Postdoctoral Fellowships

Roberto Ruffilli postdoctoral fellowships were established in 2022 in the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna with the goal of creating a vibrant community of outstanding early career scholars. RR postdoctoral fellows, while conducting for a period of two years groundbreaking individual research in different fields of social sciences, are also fully integrated in all spheres of Department’s intellectual life. They establish connections among peers and with faculty members in the development of research activities, publications, and other scholarly projects.

These fellowships are named after the late Roberto Ruffilli—scholar and MP—brutally murdered in 1988 at the age of 51, by a group of terrorists affiliated to the Red Brigades formation. Roberto Ruffilli’s interest was mainly in the field of history of political institutions, while his work encompassed several branches of history and political sciences. Until his assassination Ruffilli was a professor at the University of Bologna, where he taught at the Faculty of Political Science, the precursor of our Department. In the last years of his life he devoted his efforts to modernize the Italian institutional system.

Call for applications 2024

The Department of Political and Social Science offers four two-year research fellowships in the following research fields:

  • Public Policy-Organization Studies-Public Administration;
  • International Relations and European Studies;
  • Sociology;
  • Area Studies.

The deadline for applications is May 31, 2024.
Applications may only be submitted online by accessing the “FrontOffice” website:

The selection procedure includes a public interview that will be held at the headquarter of the Department of Political and Social Science in Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna.

All communications related to the present call for applications are available at .

Roberto Ruffilli Fellows and projects


Capuozzo Valentina
Judicial Review of Legislation and Separatation of Powers: Decisional Techniques between Courts and Legislatures

Crescenti Martina
Second generations between past and present. Identity and cultural memory in digital platforms

Della Valle Clara
Recentralising “Global South” discourses and practices on Women, Peace and Security: A comparative analysis of the UNSCR 1325 implementation in Tunisia, Morocco and Lebanon

Zaru Elia
Powers and Law in Early Modern Europe: The English Political Thought between Constitution and Revolution (1640-1670)


Giuliani Giovanni Amerigo
Gendered Paths of Social Stratification: Post-Fordist Social Classes and Gender Inequalities in Western Europe

Malandrino Anna
Evaluating evaluation: Assessing performance evaluation in Italian public administration through the realistic approach lens

Perletta Giorgia
Domestic and Foreign Obstacles to the De-Securitization of Iranian Foreign Policy. The Struggle for Change of Hassan Rouhani’s Presidency

Selenica Ervjola
Education in a Changing Global Order: Security, International Intervention and Local Resistance in Conflict-Affected Countries


Cavalleri Matteo
A political theory of solidarity for the European project? A genealogical exploration on the foundations of the political concept of solidarity.

Fiorelli Chiara 
The Legitimacy of Political Parties.

Silhol Guillaume
The Uses of Uncertainty - research project on the professional identity, relationships to the State institutions, policy feedbacks and collective action of precarious Italian teachers.

Villani Susanna


Bellani Daniela

Berhe Simona 
Intellectual and Political Diasporas: African Students in Italy (1950s-1980s).

Casula Mattia 
My research project intends to contribute to the theoretical development of the third generation research paradigm in policy implementation studies, by way of the empirical investigation of the new implementation arrangements and structures chosen to cope with the consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak in Western European countries.

Fiammenghi Davide 


Boldrin Francesco 
Legal issues about automated decision-making process and automated law enforcement. Focus on autonomous driving systems.

De Prospo Mario 
Along the routes of knowledge travels. A hub of expertise exchange: FAO’s Rural Institutions and Services Division, 1950-1980.

Guerzoni Corinna Sabrina 
Embryos donation: transnational circulation of Italians searching for reproductive solutions abroad.

Marino Bruno

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Valentina Capuozzo

Research fellow

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Matteo Cavalleri

Adjunct professor

keywords: G.W.F. Hegel, German Idealism, Ethics, Ontology, Aesthetics, Political Philosophy, Memory, 20th Century Italian
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Martina Crescenti

Research fellow

keywords: Migration, Second Generations, Inclusion, Religion (Muslim Minorities), Identity Costruction, Digital Memory Practises,
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Clara della Valle

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

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Giovanni Amerigo Giuliani

Adjunct professor

Borsista di Ricerca

keywords: Comparative Welfare State, Social Stratification, Social Investment, Radical Right Parties, Gender Equality, Labor
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Ervjola Selenica

Adjunct professor

keywords: Political Economy of Education, Statebuilding, State formation, Peacebuilding, Conflict, Global governance, Global

Elia Zaru

Research fellow

keywords: English Revolution, Harrington, Constitutionalism, Marxism and Materialism, Constituent Power and Constitution,