MUR Department of Excellence 2023-2027
SPS identified as a Department of Excellence for the five-year periods 2018-2022 and 2023-2027

What is an excellent department
Departments of Excellence are those which, being identified and included among the best 180 department of state universities, receive a special funding from the MUR (Ministry of Universities and Research) every five years.. These are departments that stand out for the quality of the produced research and the quality of the presented development project.
The transnational dimension of political and social processes: the excellence of the Department of Political and Social Sciences in 2023-2027
The Department of Political and Social Sciences intends to equip itself with a portfolio of knowledge for the study of the transnational dimension of political and social processes, including the effects on politics and society of the major economic, technological and natural processes that cross frontiers with increasing intensity and profoundly affect national arenas.
These processes definitively challenge the traditional conception of sovereignty and the ability of States to guarantee the security and well-being of their citizens and redefine the meaning of the political concepts inherent in the modern political lexicon: democracy, freedom, equality. The control of these transnational processes requires original responses which the department intends to supply by promoting its ability to investigate new paradigms capable of understanding the causes of these phenomena, estimating their impact and exploring and designing innovative institutional responses. More specifically, the project aims to reconstruct transnational challenges and provide multi-level responses.
A strength resulting from the achievement of excellence in the period 2023-2027 will be represented by the establishment of the Transnational connections and global governance - CONNECT centre, which aims to study new transnational phenomena and processes of state and social transformation.