Guest Lecture "Terrorism and Migration: what relationship?"
Course of Politics of International Migration (Prof. Ceccorulli) virtual class.
Lecture to the joint courses of Politics of International Migration (Prof. Ceccorulli) and Pan-European Security (Prof. Lucarelli).
Guest Lecture "International Terrorism"
Course of International Relations (Prof. Lucarelli), virtual class
Lecture to the course of International Relations (Prof. Lucarelli)
Seminario "Il mondo e il Coronavirus"
Videoconferenza su Microsoft Teams. Per partecipare all'evento occorre collegarsi alla lezione di Storia ed Istituzioni dell'America Latina del Prof. Loris Zanatta (https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/loris.zanatta/didattica)
Niente sarà più come prima?
Presentazioni e incontri
"L'Europa sul sofà": Restrizioni e democrazia nel periodo dell'emergenza
online su Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/PuntoEuropaForli/) e YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/EDForli)
Guest Lecture "Migration politics and governance in times of lockdown and social distancing"
Course of 'Politics of International Migrations' (Prof. Michela Ceccorulli)virtual Class
Lecture to the courses of Politics of International Migrations
Guest Lecture "Feminism and IR"
Course of “International Relations” (Prof. Lucarelli) virtual class
Lecture to the joint courses International Relations (Prof. Lucarelli and Prof. Baroncelli).
Presentazioni e incontri
L'Europa sul sofà: Che cosa sta facendo l’Unione europea per la crisi del Covid 19?
online su Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/PuntoEuropaForli/) e YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/EDForli)
Guest lecture "The Transformation of Russia’s Foreign Policy"
Course of Pan-European Security (Prof. Lucarelli), virtual class.
Lecture to the course of Pan-European Security
Guest Lecture "Explaining Russia's foreign policy trough IR theories"
Course of International Relations (Prof. Lucarelli), virtual class
Lecture to the courses of International Relations (Prof. Lucarelli and Prof. Baroncelli)
Guest Lecture "NATO: The Teflon Alliance?"
Course of Pan-European Security (Prof. Lucarelli), virtual class.
Lecture to the course of Pan-European Security
Iniziative di formazione
Students’ GLOBUS Migration & Justice Debate
Teaching Hub, Campus di Forlì
The Migration & Justice Debate is a students’ day organized as part of the Horizon 2020 Project GLOBUS: Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice
Ciclo di seminari "Una, nessuna, centomila. La rete e la 'trilogia' dell'identità"
Sala Rossa di Palazzo Marchesini, via Marsala 26 / Aula Galvani, Accademia delle Scienze, via Zamboni 31