Preferences and fertility. A global perspective

Post-docs webinar series

  • Data: 19 maggio 2021 dalle 12:00 alle 13:00

  • Luogo: Online - Piattaforma TEAMS

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero

Relatore: Dott.ssa Daniela Bellani

Discussant: Prof. Gøsta Esping-Andersen (Bocconi University)

Titolo: “Preferences and fertility. A global perspective”


Brief description of the seminar:

Research has addressed several socio-economic and psychological factors influencing fertility decisions. Yet, the role of time and risk orientation has been overlooked. This presentation discusses how risk and time orientations are associated to cross-country differentials in fertility, and whether this relationship varies according to the level of development. Our argument builds on the idea that risk and time orientations shape the expectations surrounding the utility and the value of children. In societies where children represent “an object of utility” short-term and risk-taking orientations are expected to be associated with higher fertility, while in societies where children represent “an object of sentiment” they are expected to be associated with lower fertility. These expectations are validated by illustrative cross-national evidence covering from 100 to 200 countries across the last decades. 

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