DEMOS - Ataques a la DEmocracia y populisMOS. Nuevo programa académico para el fortalecimiento de las instituciones en América Latina

Erasmus+ - February 1st 2024 - February 1st 2027

European partners referent: Giorgia Pavani

“We are currently experiencing a pressing democratic regression worldwide - particularly worrying in Latin American countries such as Peru, Brazil, Colombia and Chile - which is resulting in a serious institutional crisis that threatens the rule of law. In order for the current regimes to resist the emerging populist attacks, often based on fake news, it is necessary to train in democratic and constitutional culture at all levels. Therefore, in accordance with the spirit of this Programme and with the priority "Governance, peace, security and human development" of Region 10, the general objective of DEMOS is to train experts involved in the strengthening of democratic institutions of the Rule of Law in Latin America; as well as to train "trainers" for the development of civic education and democratic culture, as a fundamental instrument for the defence of democracy against populist attacks. Specifically, following the various training courses planned, a common module will be designed that will allow for the updating and/or creation of elective subjects in various master's and postgraduate courses in the partner universities, as well as the creation of undergraduate degrees and short courses. Despite its location in the field of higher education, special attention will be paid to the training of journalists, political and social actors, and officials of the various branches of government (specifically the judiciary), since the separation of powers, and in particular judicial independence and the correct placement of constitutional justice, are essential pillars for the survival of the democratic state. DEMOS is endorsed – Associate partners- by all the Ministries of Justice of the partner Latin American universities (Brasil, Peru, Colombia and Chile) the Centro de Estudios del Tribunal Constitucional de Perú, various Associations of Constitutionalists, and so on”.




Members of the Department

Silvia Bagni
Sabrina Ragone
Francesco Niccolò Moro
Francesco Davide Ragno
Giovanni Agostinis

Other members 
Javier Diaz Revorio, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha

European partners:

SciencePo (Paris)

Universidad Castilla La Mancha (Toledo)

Universidad de Cádiz

Università di Bologna

Università di Siena

Latinoamericano partners:

Universidad Libre (Bogotá)

Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá)

Universidad de Trujillo (Perù)

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perù

MacKenzie (Brasile)


Universidad de la Frontera (Chile)

Universidad Autónoma de Chile