Guest lecture "The Crisis of Arms Control: Factors and Implications"
Course of Pan-European Security (Prof. Lucarelli), virtual class.
Dr Ettore Greco (Istituto Affari Internazionali)
Lecture "Le politiche educative ed il nesso tra azione umanitaria-sostegno allo sviluppo e missioni di pace: attori esterni, peacebuilding e gestione delle emergenze umanitarie in Kosovo e Giordania"
Virtual class Course ‘Relazioni Internazionali, CdL SID, (Prof. E.Baroncelli)
Dr. Ervjola Selenica (University of Sussex and Università di Bologna)
Guest Lecture "Brexit and European Security"
Course of Pan-European Security (Prof. Lucarelli), virtual class.
Prof. Ben Tonra (University College Dublin)
Lecture: "Academic writing: Sources, methods and best practices"
Virtual class Course ‘Politics of the World Economy’, CdLM IPM, Prof. E.Baroncelli
Dott. Matteo Dian (University of Bologna)
Guest lecture "Memory and Foreign policy: the case of Japan"
Course of International Relations (Prof. Lucarelli), virtual class
Dr. Matteo Dian (University of Bologna)
Seminario “The Securization of education between peacebuilding and counter-radicalisation”
Virtual Class Teams Course Security in the XXI Century
Lecture to the course of Security in the 20th Century (Prof. Lorenzo Zambernardi)
Giornata dell'Europa
Diretta streaming sui canali Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/PuntoEuropaForli/) e YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/EDForli)
Anniversario della Dichiarazione Schuman
Seminario “Gender in conflict and security”
Virtual class Teams Course "Security in the XXI Century"
Lecture to the course of Security in the 20th Century (Prof. Lorenzo Zambernardi)
Guest Lecture "Exploring the European Union: the EU seen from your peers”
Course of International Relations (Prof. Lucarelli), virtual class.
Lecture by Leonardo Gorrieri
Joint Lecture: "Geopolitica: approcci metodologici, scenari e prospettive"
Virtual class: Course ‘Relazioni Internazionali’ (Prof. E.Baroncelli) - Course ‘International Relations’ (Prof. S.Lucarelli).
Prof. Manlio Graziano (Università Paris IV - Sorbonne)
Joint Lecture: "Geopolitical Atlas of the 21st Century"
Virtual class: Course ‘Politics of the World Economy’, (Prof. E. Baroncelli) and of the Course ‘Pan-European Security (Prof. S. Lucarelli)
Prof. Manlio Graziano (Università Paris IV - Sorbonne)
Guest Lecture "The geopolitics of energy transition"
Course 'Politica dell'Economia Internazionale' (Prof. Michela Ceccorulli) Virtual Class
Prof. N. Sartori, Enel Foundation