Prof. Ken Endo: Whither the EU-US-Asia Triangle? The Politics of Norm in the Age of Developed Countries' Risk

Seminario organizzato in collaborazione con l' Ambasciata del Giappone in Italia

  • Data: 29 settembre 2017

  • Luogo: Aula Jemolo - Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Strada Maggiore, 45


We live in an age of developed countries' risk. With their middle class emerged as losers of the globalization,the populistic forces have gained ground. In parallel, we observe the rise of China as the depreciative empire.
As a result, the breathing space for liberal and social values has diminished.
This presentation explores how those values should be maintained in such a difficult times, with particular emphasis on the enhanced Japan-EU cooperation.