LGBTQI Rights in Russia and the Post-Soviet Cinema

MIREES Open Lectures ('Workshops on Eastern Europe and Eurasia') What Lies Behind Russia’s War in Ukraine? Framing History, Militarism and Human Rights under Putin

  • Data: 25 novembre 2022 dalle 15:00 alle 17:00

  • Luogo: Aula 1.3 – Padiglione Morgagni – Evento in presenza

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero

Relatore: Massimo Tria (Università di Cagliari)

The cycle of seminars is organized in collaboration with the members of the 'Memorial Italia' association, a network of Italian and international scholars and academics working on historical memory and the defense of human rights in Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia. We will reflect on the controversial dynamics of legitimisation of the military intervention in Ukraine by the Russian Federation and the long-lasting processes that have shaped the policies of memory, education, art and human rights in today's Russia.

The cycle of seminars will be held at the Forlì Campus of the Department of Political and Social Sciences (via G. della Torre, 1).

Organising committee: Marco Puleri, in collaboration with Memorial Italia."