On 1-2 July 2017, the Centro Residenziale Universitario (CEUB) in Bertinoro, Italy will host the Workshop 'Justice on the Move'. The event is organized in the context of the H2020 Project GLOBUS - Reconsidering European Contribution to Global Justice, whose Bologna Unit, at the Department of Polictical and Social Sciences, is coordinated by Prof. Sonia Lucarelli. The two days' workshop will gather scholars directly engaged in the Project as well as scholars and practitioners form other eminent Institutions and Organizations all around the world. At the center of the debate the European Union and Member States' migration and asylum policies evaluated from a justice perspective
A cura di Sonia Lucarelli
Relatori: Attila Melegh, Enrico Fassi, Michela Ceccorulli, Lena Karimanidou, Cinzia Bevitori, Marco Borraccetti, Antonio Zotti, Espen Daniel Hagen Olsen, Giorgio Grappi