‘Framing Together new Approaches to Migration, Borders and Diasporas in East-Central Europe’

GlocalEAST Open Days

  • Data: dal 13 giugno 2022 alle 10:00 al 14 giugno 2022 alle 17:00

  • Luogo: Aula 1.3 – Padiglione Morgagni – Evento in presenza e online

The event is aimed to promote an open discussion on the study of migration, diaspora and border issues in today's East-Central Europe together with the members of the three-year project GlocalEAST (2020-2023; EU Strategic Partnership; www.glocal.sk). The event is structured into two days (four sessions: morning and afternoon): each session will include a seminar dedicated to theoretical aspects and newest methodologies and a seminar dedicated to the analysis of specific case studies.

The event is open and devoted mainly to MIREES students.

The event is organised in collaboration with the GlocalEAST partner universities (Comenius University, Bratislava; University of Zagreb; University of Belgrade; European University Viadrina, Frankfurt; Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas).

Organisation committee and contact person: Marco Puleri.

Online on TEAMS