ERC StG project “Gatekeepers to International Refugee Law?

The Role of Courts in Shaping Access to Asylum” (ACCESS)

  • Data: dal 19 settembre 2024 al 20 settembre 2024

  • Luogo: University of Bologna and Online

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero previa iscrizione

We are delighted to invite you to attend the kick-off workshop of the ACCESS Project on “The Evolving Role of Courts in Adjudicating Barriers to Accessing Asylum”. The event will take place in Bologna and online on 19th and 20th September 2024. 

The conference brings together leading scholars and practitioners from diverse regions as a kick-off event for the ERC-funded project ACCESS. Among the themes discussed are theories of asylum adjudication, barriers to accessing asylum, commonalities and differences in asylum adjudication models, methodologies in socio-legal studies, and the role of different actors in litigation. The event intends to provide a platform for scholars, judges, and legal practitioners to engage in meaningful discussions, exchange knowledge, and explore the complexities of judicial processes and socio-legal factors influencing asylum adjudication.