MigLab - Studies on Migration

Coordinator: Professor Marco Borraccetti, Associate Professor of European Union Law

The MigLab – Studies on Migration centre was founded with the aim to explore and study the phenomenon of migration with an interdisciplinary approach, which allows to reveal its interrelations and structures. Its main objective is to stimulate and expand interdisciplinary studies on the vast topic of migration by sharing knowledge and research. Launched within the Department of Political and Social Science of the University of Bologna, MigLab aims to spread such collaboration inside and beyond the department to provide different interpretations on the issue of migration for an informed debate. From a multidisciplinary perspective, MigLab analyses and promotes the study of forced and voluntary migration through periodical publications, research and education initiatives, as well as through the participation in calls and research projects at the European level.

MigLab is also a platform where newsletters are produced to share contributions and events on migration issues.

MigLab seeks to collaborate with academic and non-academic institutions and host researchers and students interested in migration studies.

ERC Sectors

National and International Collaborations

Melbourne University (Australia) – School of Social and Political Sciences (CONREP project)

University of Tuscia (Italia) – Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, History, Philosophy and Law Studies (DISTU) of the University of Tuscia (ADiM – Accademia Diritto e Migrazioni project)

Emilia-Romagna region (Italy) (Shaping Fair Cities EU project)

MigLab Members

Marco Balboni

Full Professor

Asher Daniel Colombo

Full Professor

Giuliana Laschi

Full Professor

Sonia Lucarelli

Full Professor

Debora Mantovani

Full Professor

Arrigo Pallotti

Full Professor

Francesco Privitera

Associate Professor

Corrado Tornimbeni

Associate Professor

Massimiliano Trentin

Associate Professor

Mario Zamponi

Full Professor


  1. Albertini; D. Mantovani; G. Gasperoni, Intergenerational relations among immigrants in Europe: the role of ethnic differences, migration and acculturation, «JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES», 2019, 45, pp. 1693 – 1706.
  2. Azzolini, D. Mantovani, M. Santagati, Italy: Four Emerging Traditions in Immigrant Education Studies, in: The Palgrave Handbook of Race and Ethnic Inequalities in Education, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 695 – 745.
  3. Balboni, An Introduction: The Principle of Non-Discrimination in the Framework of the European Convention on Human Rights, in: The ECHR and the Principle of Non-discrimination, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2017, pp. XIII - XXXIX (LA RICERCA DEL DIRITTO NELLA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE).
  4. Bianchini, M. Borraccetti, M. Zoppi, P.Cavanna, M. Dubbini, E. Magnani, M. Proto, F. Pistocchi, MIGRATUP - Territorial and Urban Potentials Connected to Migration and Refugee Flows. Main Report - ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme, 2018, pp. 62.
  5. Borraccetti; C. Carletti, Il Global Compact sulla migrazione tra scenari internazionali e realtà europea, «FREEDOM, SECURITY & JUSTICE», 2018, 2, pp. 7 – 46.
  6. Borraccetti, Labour Migration in Europe Volume II. Exploitation and Legal Protection of Migrant Workers, CHAM, PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, 2018, pp. 139.
  7. D. Colombo, L. La Fauci, Non più stranieri. strutture familiari e assimilazione degli stranieri in italia, in: Vita e percorsi di integrazione degli immigrati in Italia, Roma, Istat, 2018, pp. 71 – 100.
  8. D. Colombo, L. La Fauci, Luigi, Matrimoni misti e assimilazione tra gli stranieri in Italia, «MONDI MIGRANTI», 2017, 2017, pp. 57 – 81.
  9. Laschi; A. Pes; V. Deplano, (a cura di): V. Deplano, A. Pes, G. Laschi, A. Becherucci, B. Shaev, S. Paoli, P. Audenino, F. Fauri, D. Strangio, Europa in movimento. Mobilità e migrazioni tra integrazione europea e decolonizzazione, 1945-1992, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017, pp. 275 (PERCORSI).
  10. Lucarelli, The EU as a Securitizing Agent? Testing the Model, Advancing the Literature, «WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS», 2019, 42, pp. 413 - 436
  11. Lucarelli; J. Sperling; Mark Webber, The European Union, Security Governance and Collective Securitization, Abington, Routledge, 2019.
  12. Pallotti, Crescita, democratizzazione e nuovi conflitti: l’Africa sub-sahariana dopo la fine della Guerra Fredda, in: Grande Dizionario Enciclopedico, Dalla caduta del Muro ai nuovi muri. Trasformazioni globali e scenari internazionali, 1989-2018, Tomo 1, Paesi e Aree Geografiche, Torino, Utet Grandi Opere, 2018, pp. 175 – 199.
  13. Pallotti, Crisi e futuro del partenariato Africa-UE, «AFRICHE E ORIENTI», 2018, XX, pp. 104 – 122.
  14. Santangelo; G. Gasperoni; D. Mantovani, Home-School Proximity, School Appeal, Immigrant-Origin Youths: A Case Study in Bologna, in: Education and Post-Democracy: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica. Volume 1: Politics, Citizenship, Diversity and Inclusion, Roma, Associazione “Per Scuola Democratica", 2019, 1, pp. 135 - 141 (atti di: First International Conference di Scuola Democratica “Education and Post-Democracy”, Cagliari, 5-8 June 2019) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
  15. Tornimbeni, Da Algeri a Roma: l’Italia e i movimenti nazionalisti “autentici” delle colonie portoghesi in Africa, in: Una storia, tante storie. Studi di storia internazionale, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2019, pp. 103 – 126.
  16. M Trentin, Potere ed economia nel Mediterraneo: le relazioni tra Comunità Europee e Paesi arabi (1970-1992), «STORIA E PROBLEMI PROBLEMI CONTEMPORANEI», 2018, 78, pp. 29 - 48.
  17. Trentin, Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro- Mediterranean Relations, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE & URBAN STUDIES», 2018, 6, pp. 1 - 18
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