Teaching innovation

Percorso Inserimento Lavorativo (Training Programme for Job Placement)

Project/Activity Structure

The programme consists of 60 teaching hours, divided into modules, and 60 laboratory hours. The 120 hours are distributed in a demanding timetable (8 hours a day, 5 days a week). The course starts during the second semester and lasts until the end of March.

The partner companies and internship positions available are presented in class. The students choose three offers and, during the week following the end of the course, they attend three interviews with the selected companies.

Then, the companies rank the candidates and the students' choices are matched with those of the companies in the classroom.

The duration of the internship is 350 hours, and it is completed in time for the final examination in the summer graduation session. During the internship, the project leader visits the host company and meets both the company tutor and the intern – separately or together as appropriate.

Phases of the Project/Activity

The project was activated during the academic year 2012/13 and has changed significantly over the years as a result of experience and the ongoing dialogue with students and partner companies. In 2016, a letter of intent was signed with partner companies to strengthen the partnership.

In 2017, we inaugurated a collaboration with the Golinelli Foundation for the activation of a teaching module on Design Thinking Process.


The project involves 30 students (40 in the 2017/18 edition) selected through the evaluation of their university career and an interview to assess their motivation and ascertain their English level.

PIL – Percorso Integrato Università e Impresa (University-Companies Integrated Programme, Italian version)